Breathtaking trip to end your guilt-trip
Your own unique adventure.. 
Try something different than Netflix tonight..
Introducing Mindflix
Is it really more time you want? We believe we live in time, and being timeless is a woo woo ideological sci-fi idea. But what If it was the other way round? What if living in time was a myth?
Go on your own unique adventure.. 
What is Mindflix?
(And why is it like nothing you've ever experienced)

Mindflix is a personalized healing movie watched from the comfort of your mind screen. It is an interactive experience created by a guided time-traveling story, cinematographic music, and immersive sound effects mastered by sound designers and music composers.  

Travel in time to lose your regrets so you don’t have to spend more time guilt-tripping and overthinking about your wrong past choices. 

What to expect?
  • Save money on travel and go on your own adventure tonight!
  • ​End guilt and regrets in life keeping you in overthinking! 
  • ​Feel less careful and more free!
        • Relax deeply knowing you can trust your choices!
        • ​Have a fun breathtaking experience watching a unique story about your life!

        Your mind cannot tell the difference between what's imagined and what is real. 

        Mindflix is a transformational audio journey with powerful narrative, immersive music, ambiance, and stunning sound effects. You will watch the movie on your mind screen with your eyes closed.

        I will be the voice in your head. Imagine it's YOU>> You just relax from thinking and let me take you on an adventure to end any regrets while having fun!

        Grateful For Having Faced My Dragon and Attracted Major Media Outlets
        What is Mindflix?

        (And why is it like nothing you've ever experienced)

        Mindflix is a personalized movie watched from the comfort of your mind screen. It is an experience that uses a powerful story, cinematographic music and is interactive. Mindflix is a transpersonal journey that takes you beyond the ‘personal’, beyond the one you believe yourself to be, connecting you to something that cannot be imagined. It has to be recognized. Your mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination. Just like when you’re reading a captivating story you’re transported into it. Now imagine taking it five levels up:

        Now imagine taking it five levels up:

        • Go on unique adventure you can’t experience in real life
        • The story is about YOU. Not some other fictional character. Your life. Now.
        • Make it uniquely personal by adding some aspects of your own life.
        • You will be asked some questions and deep questions to discover something unexpected about time, you, and your life.
        • You wont be the same person when you finish watching.

        Mindflix is an transformational audio journey with immersive music, ambience, stunning sound effects and powerful narrative. You watch the movie on your mind screen with your eyes closed.

        I will be the voice in your head. You just relax from thinking and be taken on an adventure beyond time.

        Grateful For Having Faced My Dragon and Attracted Major Media Outlets
        Introducing Mindflix #1
        What is the Movie About?
        All The Time in The World
        Timeless Travel Adventure
        We live with the mantra ‘there is not enough time'. This movie will take you on a journey to the past and future, visiting forgotten and unimaginable places. You will interact with other characters from your real life, travel in a time capsule, and go on a hero's journey without leaving your house. 

        What happens when we don't deal with regrets and guilt ?

        • We overthink about how we should have dealt with things better (and it takes more time than we think!)
        • We double-guess ourselves and don't trust our natural choices
        • We start avoiding certain situations and shut ourselves in a box
        • We become overly careful and anxious

        Guilt is to your health as a thief is to your wealth.
        ~ Charles F. Glassman

        How is Mindflix interactive?
        Let your mind surprise you
        In a way, 'regular' movies are limited as they are already made and you can’t change any aspects of them. With Mindflix you can. How? We work with the principle that the mind cannot stand incompletion. The mind loves filling in the gaps. Mindflix is a powerful interactive story that is unlike anything you’ve experienced. The narration is partially composed of sentence stems, meaning some parts of the story are incomplete. Your mind naturally cannot stand incompletion and will fill in the gaps with your own personal story making it uniquely yours. 

        Mindflix is not just a story. You will design your own adventure with some details from your ACTUAL life. 
        Introducing Mindflix #1
        What is the Movie About?
        All The Time in The World
        Timeless Travel Adventure
        We live with a mantra ‘there is not enough time’. This movie will take you on a journey to past and future, visiting forgotten and unimaginable places. Truly discover the power of a story we call time so it ceases being a course. Is it really more time you want? We believe we live in time, and being timeless is a woo woo ideological sci-fi idea. But what If it was the other way round? What if living in time was a myth?
        How is Mindflix interactive?
        Let your own mind surprise you
        In a way, 'regular' movies are limited as they are already made and you can’t change any aspects of them. With Mindflix you can. How? We work with the principle that the mind cannot stand incompletion. The mind loves filling in the gaps. Mindflix is a powerful interactive story that is unlike anything you’ve experienced. The narration is partially composed by sentence stems, meaning some parts of the story are incomplete. Your mind naturally cannot stand incompletion and will fill in the gaps with your own personal story making it uniquely yours.

        Mindflix is not just a story. You will design your own adventure with some details in your life now. 
        Mindflix plays with your imagination
        I want you to imagine where you are, who you are with, your expectations and dreams, and your fears. I’m the voice in your head. It’s all done for you. No thinking is required, your mind will fill in the blanks and gaps when needed.
        Mindflix is a dynamic meditation.
        The movie is moving at a fast pace but requires your presence because you never know when I ask you to add details to your movie. It prompts active watching without needing to do anything.
        Everything about this movie is so unique, an experience like no other.
         Collaborative masterpiece:  Each scene in Mindflix comes with the most beautiful and breathtaking soundtrack composed by amazingly skilled musicians and cinematographers, creating emotions even when no words are being said. A dozen artists worked on bringing Mindflix to you including composers, producers, editors, and designers. Each scene has immersive sounds and cinematographic music to set the mood and bring your right in. 

        Kinetic experience - Mindflix is so immersive that you will feel your body moving in space or going through experiences that would be physically impossible. 

        VR technology, compared to your mind, is very limited. Your imagination is nearly unlimited. Stories are so immersive, you don’t need your physical eyes, only your inner vision. You will be a different person after you finish watching.
        While watching the movie, you will let your mind complete the story with details of your own life to make it uniquely yours. After you finish the Mindflix, write all the completed parts in your journal before you forget.  Then read your unique analysis and what it reveals about your own story in your personal life. Feel more comfortable exactly where you are in your Life story NOW.
        ''The insight journal at the end was mind blowing! And I was laughing on my own how accurate the analysis was. I was like, Oh my god, it's so me! That's exactly what has been holding me back.  And without this, I wouldn't be aware of it, you know?''
        Benjamine Jaume (Therapy podcasts and workshops)
        You are the main character in your story. Character and story are inseparable because a person is what happens to them. You are the hero in your story, discover how everything is set up for you. 

        The time machine is waiting for you..

        Mindflix plays with your imagination
        I want you to imagine where you are, who you are with, your expectations and dreams, your fears. I’m the voice in your head. It’s all done for you. No thinking required, your mind will simply fill in the blanks and gaps when needed.
        Mindflix a dynamic meditation.
        The movie is moving in fast pace but requires your presence because you never know when I ask you to add details into your movie. It’s prompts an active watching without needing to do anything.
        Everything about this movie is so unique, an experience like no other.
        Collaborative masterpiece: Each scene in Mindflix comes with with the most beautiful and breathtaking soundtrack composed by amazingly skilled musicians and cinematographers, creating emotions even when no words are being said. A dozen artists worked on bringing Mindflix to you including composers, producers, editors, and designers. Each scene has immersive sounds and cinematographic music to set the mood and bring your right in.

        Kinetic experience - Mindflix is so immersive that you will feel your body moving in space or going through experiences that would by physically impossible.

        VR technology, comparing to your mind, is very limited. You imagination is nearly unlimited. Stories are so immersive, you don’t need your physical eyes, only your inner vision. You will be a different person after you finish watching.
        While watching the movie, you will let your mind complete the story with details in your own life to make it uniquely yours. After you finish the Mindflix, write all the completed parts in your journal before you forget.  Then read your unique analysis and what it reveals about your own story in your personal life. 
        ''The insight journal at the end was mind blowing! And I was laughing on my own how accurate the analysis was. I was like, Oh my god, it's so me! That's exactly what has been holding me back.  And without this, I wouldn't be aware of it, you know?''
        Benjamine Jaume
        Therapy podcasts and workshops
        You are the main character in your story. Character and story are inseparable because a person is what happens to them. You are the hero in your story, discover how everything is set up for you. 
        What will you get?
        • 60 min Unique cinematic interactive experience.  It's not just a movie.  It’s a guided healing session in a form of a story.
        • ​Insight Journal: remember all insights and answers you gave in the story, write them down right after your adventure, and discover something new about your own story in your life now.
        • ​Video introduction 
        • Analysis of your personal story.
        • Lifetime access to lose regrets about anything
        • ​All The Time In The World transcript. Just in case you missed something while listening.
        • ​Soundtrack MP3
        Normal Price: $67
        Today's Price: $12.99
        Your purchase supports me and my team of other artists in creating more and even more epic Mindflixes in the future.
        Money back guarantee:
        I have no doubt in my mind that you will absolutely love the movie, the adventure, and the freedom from regret. If, for any reason you are not completely happy after watching the movie, simply shoot me a message and I will send you every penny back, no questions asked. 
        Are you ready to go on a trip that will end your guilt trip?
        (while having some fun on the way?)
        You can only see what you believe. Nothing else is possible. 
        ~ Katie Byron~
        Grateful For Having Faced My Dragon and Attracted Major Media Outlets
        Money back guarantee:
        I have no doubt in my mind that you will absolutely love the movie as well as this life changing unique adventure. If, for any reason you are not completely blown away after watching the movie, simply shoot me a message and I will send you every penny back, no questions asked. 
        Who is Olivia Kissper
        (and why is she creating this adventure for you)
        Olivia has been fascinated by the mind, especially by the stories it creates. In the process of guiding others, she noticed an interesting phenomenon.

        Our life is a story. Already. It’s not about getting what we think we want. A story is about providing obstacles and challenges as a testing ground necessary for our inner transformation. That’s what every good story does. It’s juicy to watch. Whether we like our story or not there is something that is reading these words right now that is enthralled by all our victories and inadequacies equally. 

        Everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Constantly. That story makes us who we think we are. And we build ourselves out of that story.
        All The Time In The World is a fun and deep inquiry into the psychological idea of time and how mistaking it for what it isn't creates stress and the feeling of running out. Time is essentially a thought. Nobody got ever stressed by looking at a dead digit on the screen. It’s a story. It’s what we imagine.

        Olivia has a background in transpersonal psychology and consciousness studies and is a transpersonal guide and a sound artist. She has been supporting people in changing their stories and experiencing liberation from the restrictions they impose. She mostly works with small business owners and bright sensitive introspective people who had been on the spiritual and self-development journey for some time but still feel stuck, limited, hurting, comparing, or postponing. Olivia helps them relinquish their stories and let go of the symptoms of trauma, recognizing their true effortless natural right action. She also teaches them systems they can use so they don’t rely on guidance from others.
        Bon voyage,
        The purpose of an immersive story is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think about.
        Grateful For Having Faced My Dragon and Attracted Major Media Outlets
        What do others say?

        Wow, I’m really really impressed! I’m shocked!

        Wow, I’m really impressed! I don’t know what to say. It’s just a beautiful beautiful story. I’m thinking a lot. It’s so strange how your movie came to my life in this moment, it is full of messages, wisdom and I really thank you to share your knowledge with me. I’m sure you will help a lot of people with this story, you will change lives! It’s a movie to watch again and again, very well written, creative… wow, I’m really really impressed! I’m shocked! I normally don’t see how the present is a gift and it is the only real thing and you say it so simply. I love it so much! 

        Francisco Valencia Sandoval

        Shift in perception

        Thank you so much 4 MindFlix. It's frckin awesome. Made me cry and resulted in a shift in perception.

        Rudra Shakti

        I can’t believe how thoroughly I wasn’t in my body or in my car anymore!

        Wow, what an incredible journey. I was sitting in my car in a random parking lot, I leaned back my seat and put on my headphones. Olivia took me on such a beautiful magical adventure through time and life. So vivid with images and sounds. I completely lost where I was until I gracefully arrived back to reality and was shocked by the perception of distance and time that I was gone. I can’t believe how thoroughly I wasn’t in my body or in my car anymore! I don't know if I was ready to come back but I know I'll take this journey again to see what else emerges in the landscape of my mind. I love all the energies that Olivia embodies as the guide. Im very impressed with how well this was made and how well it all flowed. Thank you Olivia, what a gift, the eternal present.

        Joseph Mikrut

        Owner of retreat centre 

        It was soul-touching

        It’s such a beautiful story and I’m completely shocked how professionally was the movie done! And your singing! It was so soul-touching, I can still hear the melody in my head. I’m sure I will listen again!! 

        Vrata M

        HR professional

        I was in the movie! I felt everything!

        This movie was such an amazing experience. I was in the movie! I felt everything. Even in the time capsule I felt the fear running through my body. It was wild. Haha And your voice!!! So angelic. I love your singing. 
        Thank you so much for this because I’ve been struggling lately with life and this really helped. I love how you opened my eyes to the illusion of the ideal future self. It’s infused in every self help modality. “Envision your future self blah blah blah.” It’s infuriating because now I see how it created this perfect self that I was always striving to be and not being her was driving me crazy. And I don’t think I’ll ever be her, but that’s ok. I’m cool with it now.
        Going through the analysis was sad. I realized I’m not living. I have been so focused on my past mistakes and hoping my future isn’t  filled with the same mistakes that I was living a blah life. Not present at all. I spent all day just looking around at life. Being here in reality and enjoying my time. It was peaceful and I felt more involved than I had in a long time. This was an epic eye opening adventure. I know it’s something I’m going to go back to again and again. 

        Nadine Rodriguez
        Web developer

        Really amazing journey!

        I was able to watch the movie today and it was such a wonderful journey. I love that you deliver the message through a story. And the use of the music was wonderful too! I definitely think that this is something I would love to listen to repeatedly when I need to remind myself about how important the present is. I am also looking forward to seeing how my answers to the analysis change over time! Really amazing journey, thank you!

        Kelsey Andrews 
        Counselor for the suicide hotline

        This approach is very liberating

        My favourite part was the orange sunset at the roof top of a building followed by a beautiful flight over the town listening to a beautiful song. I love your singing btw.
        I see how certain answers I’ve given say a little about me in this moment in time (present moment), and I also understand that they do not define me or give some sort of a freudian analyses about my subconscious but are subject to change with time passing by, witch I like. I think this approach is very liberating.
        I will definitively listen to it again in some time to see what will be different.

        Helena Sojat
        Business and Economics

        It is so cool! It's like having fun while like doing an inner work!

        It was amazing! The setup was good. I was laying down on my bed. It was 10 in the morning. Not too hot. I was listening in through my headphones with my eyes closed. I started the journey. I was like, okay, without expectation without anything. I loved this Mindflix movie, because you actually allowed me to tune into myself again and feed my imagination a lot. Like I completely forgot what's happening inside of me. So as we pass as we go along the journey, everything goes well. I can imagine everything and that's weird because I can see all these things, but within my mind in myself, and I find this very fascinating. Because there's no pictures for this, it’s my own movie! So you're actually so on point, with this new new idea, a new concept that you're bringing here. It is so cool. It's like having fun while like doing an inner work! I could imagine everything I was listening to. See the colors and I was not outside anymore. I was like 100% inside with my mind and this is crazy! I just built a house with my mind right now in one second. So, yeah, this is something I'd really liked.
        I actually really liked the sound and your song as well, I was not expecting this. Wow, that's amazing! 
        Thank you so much again! I'm already looking forward to listen to the second episode. 

        Benjamine Jaume
        Therapy podcasts and workshops

        Not only is it intriguing and profound, but it is magical and surprising!

        I listened to Mindflix as I cleaned the car. As I cleaned, I was surprised to find a tear in my eye, so I took a moment to pay attention to myself. I realized I was deeply moved by the words spoken in Mindflix. Olivia's voice is so soothing. The song she sang is profound and beautiful, and her voice is so clear and gentle. "You are already flying". That phrase kept being sung in my mind long after I listened to Mindflix. Olivia is a beautiful soul, and she helps me to see through Mindflix that time is only an illusion. What a beautiful story! Not only is it intriguing and profound, but it is magical and surprising! It is also deeply personal with endless variations possible. I could listen to the story daily and create a totally different story each time by the words I use to fill in the blanks. And I honestly felt myself in the story as the "star of the show". More than that, I felt these very relatable and accessible characters in the story taking care of me, acting as my guides through a journey of discovery. Thank you, Olivia, for flying with what came up, and for offering it to us- to anyone who wants to lift it from your hands and embrace it.

        Adrienne Robinson
        Teacher, Virtual Assistant in Training

        Mindflix opened a new door to me!

        First of all, I want to thank you. It was such an engaging experience. Although new for me, it felt very easy and natural, like I was used to it. I happened to listen to guided meditations a few times in the past, but can't say I've become a big fan of those. On the contrary, Mindflix opened a new door to me. It gave me a feeling as I have had a real journey, in the comfort of my own home.
        The quality of the recording is very high. I liked the background music very much; it felt like a real movie! The story itself was compelling; I wanted to know what would happen next. I felt that my eyes got wet at the end of the story.
        Maybe a couple of hours after watching the movie, I got a very curious insight. You see, a significant part of my life at this period is filled with pretty mundane activities: walking my younger kid to/from school, cooking, cleaning, shopping, checking homework... And I often feel like I am trapped in this routine, unsatisfied with a feeling that I am not achieving anything, not making a difference. But suddenly I realized that it was ok. I realized that I didn't need to rush and look forward to completing these activities to start something more exciting but to relax and enjoy the ride. Like it is not me who is jumping from place to place, but the circumstances themselves are moving, like the pictures in the window of a train, things that need to be done are passing to me and from me, and I am standing at one point, observing myself taking care of each of them once they show up. But even while standing at one point (like sitting in a train), I am still moving from a bigger perspective (together with the train), moving through my life, through the lives of my kids (who will pretty soon be old enough to take care of themselves), through the lives of my other loved ones. So I never really stuck, I never really stay still, so I can stop worrying about it and enjoy and appreciate what I am doing at the moment since I have chosen to have it in my life in the first place.

        Marina K

        The insights from the questions were like delightful surprises.

        I just watched Mindflix "All the Time in the World". It was a very open, freeing experience. You were right that it was going to be like watching and being engrossed in a film. For example, the feeling of interaction, the sunset, the feel of flying were so real. And also experienced anxiety when first enclosed in the egg - claustrophobia - being trapped and possibly not being released. The sense of being on a train. Vivid. I enjoyed completing the questions. I felt alternative answers arising, but went with the first immediate answer. I guess that means to repeat to see what else comes up! 
        The insights from the questions were like delightful surprises. I am grateful to you for creating this and grateful to myself for not denying myself the experience or putting it off. Overall it did cause me to contemplate on how much past stories and perceived need to fill certain roles take me out of the present. And when I can Be in the moment, how freeing it is. How it opens an inner spring to come flowing out.
        I forgot to mention how much I enjoyed the song and its meaning.  And the questionnaire and guide following provided some valuable insights into what is going on for me at this time.
        Also looking forward to the release of your book!

        Tom Ossman
        Frequently Asked Questions
        Is Mindflix like a VR?
        VR is comparably limited because you are relying on using your physical body moving in a fantasy landscape. But in your mind, there is nearly no limitations on what you can experience! Imagine a narrative so powerful you forget that it’s not real. Besides, you are free from the risk of physical harm like running into a wall. 
        What is deep inquiry?
        Questions that will guide you to look at what is real or previously unrecognized instead of what you believe about something. As a result, it leads to an effortless liberation from a restrictive story.
        Is Mindflix like a guided visualization?
        It’s a movie. It has a narrative, characters, emotions, it’s fast paced and it’s a hero’s journey. And the challenges you’ll find as the main character are the challenges you’re going through now. Mindflix requires your presence as there are prompts to fill in the gaps with your own personal details as you go along. It’s your movie. 
        Is Mindflix like an audio book with different music and voices with different actors?
        I’m the only voice you will hear narrating the story. I’m the voice in your head as well as the voice of others. Your mind doesn’t care. It’s a story and you will be hypnotized in it and take it as your own. Moreover, it’s highly personal as you’ll invite your mind to fill in the gaps in the story by the details in your own life Now. Even if you watch the movie more then once it will never be the same, it will always take you to different places depending on what is moving inside of you in that moment.
        Has the story some philosophical ideas?
        I am not concerned about philosophical stuff or ideas. All that interests me is looking for deeper truths that spontaneously lead to freer living. My guidance and mentoring is about deep looking, looking at what is real rather than imagined. It’s not about concepts, second hand knowledge and theories. Just looking and recognizing what already is. It’s mind blowing.
        I’m not an imaginative person, is it for me?
        This question implies that you have an idea (imagination) about how imaginative you should be. A ‘person’ is someone who imagines. All cultures are wired to create stories and music. (narratives and emotions) But some people are more visual than others and it makes no difference. We all feel the emotions when we imagine. It’s not like you’ll be really seeing the movie as in a dream. Thoughts are invisible, sometimes we think we really saw something, sometimes we just get the sense, sometimes we only feel the emotion and have no idea where it’s coming from. Sometimes the suggestions can be very clear, other times more vague. The music and sound effects also add with transporting you right into various scenes in the movie. In fact, the music is so powerfully crafted that you mind won’t be able to help but not imagine and feel.
        Is Mindflix for children also?
        Mindflix #1 is for anyone 18+. Not because of some scary or sexy scenes but because it’s about time traveling and the movie will be relevant to you if you are at least 20, so you have some ‘time’ to go back to. 
        I get anxious easily, can I watch Mindflix?
        If your imagination scares you, then just welcome into being a person. The theme of the movie is ‘feeling there is never enough time’. For me, having the wrong relationship with time or regretting the past is scarier then imagining a hundred sharks attacking me. So far, nobody told me they were uncomfortably scared by watching Mindflix. Besides, you can always turn the movie off, so you should be alright. There will be nothing scarier than what you’re already watching all day long on your mind screen.
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